Your guide to entering the professional world

Mentors4u is a non-profit and completely free initiative, whose operation, its vision is based on the enthusiasm and desire of all its participants to contribute to the improvement of our country by supporting its highest potential resource: young people.


Mentors4u is a point of contact between Mentors and Mentees

The term Mentoring is used to define the personal relationship established between an individual with more experience in the world of work (Mentor) and one with less experience (Mentee) with the aim of providing the latter with guidance and support for his or her educational, professional and social choices.

M4U Genesis

A service built to guide future professionals

In an increasingly competitive and globalised labour market, it is crucial for students to know from their first years at university:

What skills are required when entering the world of work;

How to develop them effectively;

Which elements to take into consideration in order to set up a path that will bring both success and personal satisfaction.

A network of students and professionals

Become a member of the Mentors4u Community to get in touch with successful professionals who will help you express your talent to the fullest.

A network of over 1,000 Italian professionals

The Mentor network counts over 1,000 professionals with academic backgrounds of excellence in the economic-financial-managerial field and with successful professional experiences in leading Italian and international companies in their respective fields.

A system of mentoring and guidance by Mentors for Mentees

Each Mentor advises between 1 and 5 Mentees, helping them to enter the world of work based on their own experience and understanding of each student's potential and aspirations.

Concrete contacts with top companies

Mentors4u benefits from the collaboration of a Senior Advisory Board composed of prominent Italian leaders that we call Senior Mentors and can also count on the support of innovative and market-leading companies.


A guide to build your own future

Early post-graduate career choices have a crucial impact on their career trajectory, but today a large number of Italian students arrive at the delicate moment of entry into the world of work confused and unprepared.

The main causes are not to be found in their lack of talent or willpower, but in the absence of a structured mentoring* system to help them understand their potential and aspirations and to build a competitive professional profile in the Italian and international arena.

How does Mentors4u work?

Become a member of the Mentors4u Community to connect with innovative and market-leading companies

Sign up for selections to join the programme

Join the community and find your Mentor

Compare yourself with your mentor and develop your attitudes

Do you want to start a Mentoring program within your company?

We can create a dedicated platform for you that allows members of your organization to express their full potential, through:

  • the development of methodology, technology and contents
  • program management
  • training your team

To receive more information, write to us at

Evidences from our Alumni


Anna Silvestri

Sr. Associate @ McKinsey & Company

During the first years of university I realized that having role models to inspire your is important, but not enough. In fact, the dialogue and personal relationship that are established with a Mentor are priceless.

Over the years, I have been both a Mentor and a Mentee; from these experiences I have learned three important lessons: Always ask why, Never give up, Make your voice heard.


Ilaria Uras

Student @ EMIT (Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology)

Mentors4u is the occation to come across new people, ideas, and opportunities which will broaden your horizons and widen your dreams.

Mentors4u is a family where you can always find someone ready to help and believe in you, providing you with the ability to seize an opportunity behind every challenge and helping build the confidence needed to achieve any goal.


Valerio Giannunzio

Senior Engagement Manager @ Salesforce

A Mentor is able to guide the Mentee from the moment he/she takes the first steps in the professional world, helping them focus on their aspirations and objectives, evaluate opportunities to make the most of their skills and ambitions, and helping them face the doubts that every student has when approaching the job market for the first time - all with the experience of those who have faced the same situations in the past.


Mattia Tino

Structured Finance Analyst @ IMI Corporate & Investment Banking

Today, looking back, I realize that not everyone has had the same opportunities I had, and Mentors4u is the answer to this. The concept of "leverage", very dear to us students of economics, does not only bear a financial connotation: Mentors4u is the greatest leverage of all, for those students who wants to get better - always.

Our values

The founding values of Mentors4u

Unleashing the talent of motivated and deserving young people

so that their backgrounds and incomplete information do not become a constraint on their ambitions.

Create a Community based on merit

within which to foster the exchange of ideas and content useful for the personal and professional growth of all participants.

Contribute to the growth and development of the country

by supporting its young people and talents.

To become a point of reference

and a source of inspiration in Italy and Europe for other Mentoring programmes.

Our Partners over time

The operation of Mentors4u is possible thanks to the support and donations of our Partner