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Stay Curious and Openminded to Springboard Your Career with the Right Masters, MBA or EMBA

di Team Editoriale | M4U

For 30 years, as international education, career consultant, MBA and Masters admission coach, Iliana Bobova has been enjoying guiding students and professionals from around the world in their growth journeys. She has also been directly involved in MBA student recruitment and admission for six years.
Currently, Iliana is Head of MBA and Masters Consulting at Advent Group and Chief Editor of the comprehensive annual Access Masters, MBA & EMBA Guide to be available for free at the Access MBA and Access Masters in Milan 2022.

How would you describe Advent Group in three words? What are its main activities and what its mission and vision?
We help students and professionals springboard their career growth by “Making education personal”! These three words best describe Advent Group and they are actually our company slogan.
Students today are really lucky because there is a great diversity of study opportunities locally and globally. We at Advent Group believe that everyone should find the Masters or MBA programmes that best match their personal development and career growth desires.
So, for almost 20 years, the multicultural team of Advent Group professionals educate, match and connect, for freepersonal advising sessions, future students and representatives of degree programmes in their preferred destinations and fields of study.
What type of services do you offer candidates? Can you tell us a bit more about them?
The core service is for prospective students to talk individually or in small groups to their best-matching business schools and universitiesFor this, we organize the well-known Access MBA and Access Masters events on 7 continents.
Free profile assessment is a key part of our service. It enables us to match students to the best Masters, MBA or EMBA programmes for them. This matching is based on the information shared by the student in a registration form and CV or LinkedIn profile. Additional details can be discussed during a free orientation session with our school selection consultants. 
To ensure really productive and win-win advising sessions, we make sure every prospective student meets the admission requirements of the selected schools. School presentations and panel discussions are a great way to discover more opportunities and ask questions.
In addition, participants can explore the added value for their career growth of study abroad experiences, career services, optimizing ROI through a variety of funding options including scholarships. Free expert CV checks bring a lot of value to participants for career and school application planning. Of course, free advising is available for the application process and admission tests such as GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, etc.
Access MBA Tour and Access Masters Tour: what are you looking for in a candidate? How can a prospective student increase his/her chance of getting selected?
To qualify for MBA studies, prospective students need to have a university degree, fluency in English for international communication and academic studies, min 3 years of full-time work experience. Most importantly, the MBA requires the desire to follow a career path to senior management, business leadership or entrepreneurship.
For Master’s studies, we welcome university students in their final years of Bachelor’s degree studies, recent graduates, and young professionals whose career, in the short term, is targeted at growing as experts in their chosen fields. Mastery of English for academic purposes is essential. The diversity of programmes in each field of study is amazing. So during Access Masters the prospective students can explore and discover what suits them best in terms of teaching methods, location, career paths, prospective employers
How has the current global pandemic affected your modus operandis and your daily activities?
We were ready to deliver our events in a virtual environment. We started this format back in 2016. What makes a big difference is that Access MBA and Access Masters participants are accompanied by our consultants on each step before and during the event. So, our online events are not a lonely virtual experience. Rather the opposite. 
Back to in-person events is our focus for 2022. Nothing can replace face-to-face communication. We are so glad that we can host again school representatives, prospective students and experts in-person in many locations around the world. We look forward to our upcoming events in Italy
What advice would you give to students and young professionals interested in your services?
To make the most of Access MBA and Masters, interested students and professionals should sign up, feel free to ask all their questions to our team before the event, come to the event with an open mind to explore diverse options. This is how they can really find the best ones for them. 
At the event, they will make valuable personal contacts with local or international schools - this makes a huge difference in their application for admission.
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